We work with local businesses

to find the right solutions for protecting their data.

Security tools don’t need to be expensive to be effective. For this reason, our toolkit is primarily made up of open source products where possible, and licensed products that won't break the bank.

Protect Your Business from Cyber Attacks

Cybersecurity is a growing concern for businesses of all sizes. With the increasing frequency of cyber attacks, it’s essential to have a comprehensive security plan in place to protect your business and your customers’ sensitive information. PCRepairs.com is here to help you with our state-of-the-art cyber security solution.

What is Cybersecurity and Why Does Your Business Need It?

Cybersecurity refers to the protection of your business’s digital assets from unauthorized access, theft, or damage. This includes your computers, servers, networks, and mobile devices, as well as the sensitive information stored on them.


As a business owner, you are responsible for protecting your customers’ sensitive information, such as their personal information and financial data. If this information is compromised, it can lead to serious consequences, such as identity theft, financial loss, and damage to your business’s reputation.

What is PCRepairs.com Cyber Security Solution and How Does It Work?

Initial Assessment: Our team will conduct an initial assessment to identify your business’s current security posture and recommend specific security measures based on your needs.


Network Scan: We’ll scan your network to ensure that all devices on your network are known and secure.


Documentation and Policies: We’ll create documentation for the configuration of all known systems, as well as update and/or create related policies and procedures. This will ensure that your business is fully compliant with industry standards and regulations.


Restoration and Backup: We’ll create bootable restoration system images and an online backup for rapid recovery in case of a cyber attack.


Incident Response Plan: We’ll create an incident response plan to help you respond quickly and effectively to any security incidents.


Data Classification: We’ll classify your data for Personally Identifiable Information (PII) breach awareness, to help you identify and protect sensitive information.


Software Programs and Controls: We’ll check, update, or install software programs and controls to help prevent data breaches or limit their severity.


NIST CSF Compliance: Our solution follows the National Institute of Science and Technology Cybersecurity Framework (NIST CSF) unless otherwise requested.


What Makes PCRepairs.com Cyber Security Solution the Best Choice for Your Business?

Expert Team: Our team consists of highly skilled professionals with decades of experience in technology and business. This allows us to understand your business’s unique needs and provide customized solutions.


Cost-Effective: With an average IT salary in the GTA starting at around $80,000 per year, PCRepairs.com is a cost-effective solution for any business looking to keep their IT budget under control.


Comprehensive Coverage: Our solution covers all aspects of your business’s technology infrastructure, including networks, servers, cloud computing, and mobile devices.


 Easy Communication: Our team has both technical and business experience, eliminating the need for customer service representatives and simplifying communication.


How Can You Get Started with PCRepairs.com Cyber Security Solution?

To get started with PCRepairs.com Cyber Security Solution, simply book an initial consultation call.

Network security is a paramount concern for businesses, as new threats are always popping up.

The challenges faced by small and mid-sized businesses are unique, requiring a different approach to developing effective security policies.

End-to-End Scope

A good cyber security program addresses all the data in an organization. When a large number of devices share one network, index speeds can get slow, as a result locating all your data can be a challenge. We make sure that your setup monitors all the critical elements of your organization.

End-to-End Scope

Risk Assessment and Threat Modeling

First, we identify the risks and the likelihood of threats. Then we’ll work with you to make sure your most sensitive data is absolutely secure. Finally, we’ll put together a plan that includes likely points of attack and data theft targets, and stop hackers cold.

Proactive Incident Response Planning

Acknowledge that breaches are likely to occur eventually, and adopt incident response plans. A proactive approach to incident response planning means testing the plan to improve its effectiveness, and ensuring that personnel is trained to limit its damage.

Dedicated Cyber Security Resources

Not all businesses have the budget to hire an individual who specializes in cyber security. An alternative is to outsource essential services to companies that fit their budget.


Keep up to date with the latest security patches. With us in charge of your network, your firewalls and antivirus software won’t miss a thing.

Don’t waste any more time searching for a managed IT service provider in Toronto, don’t hesitate to call us. We are always available and time conscious. Let us help your business by ensuring it runs smoothly and at the most effective cost.

Connect with us to get a quote

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