Talk to Your Staff About Tech Success and Stumbling Blocks

You may be in charge of tech for your entire business, but that doesn’t mean you actually use all the technology you source, install, and maintain. You’re responsible for updating that tech, supporting it, and monitoring for threats, yet you don’t have hands-on with that tech day in and day out. That means you can’t […]

What is Digital Friction, and What to Do About It?

No one wants to work harder than they have to. Digital transformation is one way businesses can make employees’ lives easier. Yet simply increasing the amount of technology isn’t the answer. Digital friction can actually make the workday more challenging. Read on to learn more about digital friction, its demotivating force, and how to avoid […]

Understanding the Cost of Downtime

Business downtime is costly. Research abounds on just how much it can set a business back. Some small businesses can’t even rebound from the expenses associated with downtime. This article outlines the many expenses a business can encounter as a result of downtime. What do we mean by downtime? There are many reasons a business […]

Could the Business You Work for be More IT Savvy?

Working for a small business, you can be asked to wear many hats. Even if one of your many roles is not IT, you may need to speak up about your business technology or cybersecurity. It’s easy to think cybersecurity is someone else’s responsibility, but IT may not be getting the attention it deserves, and […]

To Delete or Archive Email, That Is the Question

An email inbox can get overwhelming. It’s estimated we send 306 billion emails daily; not you personally, of course, although it may feel that way. So, you have to come up with strategies to corral the communications, one of which is deciding whether to delete or archive an email. This primer will help. First, let’s […]

Why You Might Wait to Upgrade to Windows 11

Microsoft is rolling out the next iteration of its operating system, Windows 11. Of course, new = better, right? But, when it comes to Windows 11, you may want to consider waiting. Here’s why. Typically, software updates are something to install as a matter of course. The manufacturer, after all, is delivering the latest and […]

What Not to Do on a Work Computer

Working from home has its advantages but can also blur the line between professional and personal time. Plus, employees may grow more relaxed about what they do on their work computer while remote. This article shares things employees should avoid doing on work computers, whether remote or in the office. What to avoid doing when […]

How to Free Up IT Resources

Business success comes from capitalizing on opportunities, except it is harder to do so if you are resource constrained. This article explores ways to free up IT resources to drive productivity and evolution. Your business depends on information technology resources. The right software can help manage expanding workloads and improve collaboration. Enjoy reliable, secure access […]

Top Things to Replace in Your Old School Office

You may be in the “if ain’t broke why fix it” camp. Yet even if some of your outdated office tools and technology aren’t actually broken, they could be crying out for an update (if only you spoke filing cabinet, you’d know!). Here are the top things we see that businesses could upgrade to improve […]

The Danger of IT Dashes for Small Business

Few of us would think we could run a marathon, or even a 10-mile race, without training first. Yet the number of people who think they could successfully run a 50-meter dash jumps dramatically, especially if they were being chased by a criminal, cougar, or scary clown. Still, that short sprint would be much easier […]